My easter holiday modelling project, making use of a box of 42 Timpo Toyway Heroic figures I bought of Ebay for £21.
after removing them from the plastic wrappers, 4 sets of 10 poses plus a couple of extras.
The aim is to use them for conversions, small additions to units, maybe a camp vignette and maybe to make some casualty markers. The green bases will be used for small scenic items.
The first lot of conversions, a box of Italeri gallic warriors and 10 Timpo Toyway bodies and some other spare parts to provide a commander's retinue and six skirmishers....
Another conversion, a standing roman officer with cloak made up based on the Timpo Toyway centurion (on left) ...
To cope with the extra gauls, some more legionaries with simple conversions to top-up my 1st Cohort - 4 with my home made pilums, 4 with grounded shield changed to holding shield and a new sword arm.
An enjoyable weekends modelling. So far I've used up 20 of the figures in the box I bought; now on to the painting queue they go ......