Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Gallic Horde ....

Some pictures I took earlier this year of the all my gauls to see how they would look on the table; a daunting prospect for the romans ....

 The horde assembled ....

Queen Garagmantua on her chariot ...
and her 'noble' cavalry ...

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Marching to the drums ....

The 10th Legion, returning from the northern forntier, are not far from their base at Condimentium. The commander orders the drums to beat and the horns to sound..
 they march on ....

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Legionary drummers - WIP - added the drums

The drums are on, made from green stuff around a framework of:  plastic 1/72 bits with a top made from a 28mm viking shield.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Legionary Musicians - WIP

converting some Italeri romans to provide musicians - Cornicians, signifier heads with wolfskin added with green stuff...

and drummers( with Timpo Toyway heads), waiting for their drums ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Gallic Warband

The last of the planned Gallic warbands completed...
[new items: 21 more for the Gallic horde - two packs of Italeri gauls collided with my spares box, some conversions and head swaps; I have a few spare figures which I will use for 'specials'.]

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Ballista practice ....

The commander of the Botulinum garrison and some of his officers watch the firing practice of some newly arrived ballistas ....


Oblivious to the goings on of the romans, Obelix is on his way to Carnac to deliver a menhir ....
[new items: Italeri Fabri ballista and crew; 2 modified PlayMobil ballistas; Obelix figure with menhir]

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Working on Ballistas ...

Modifying a couple of PlayMobil ballistas. 

The PlayMobil ballista 'out of the box'

This is too tall for use with 54mm figures, so I cut it down by 1cm, by taking out a section near the base. Looking good with my existing ballista crew figures
 Also added a bolt ready to be fired using part of a wire spear ..

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Circus Minimus, checking re-use of arena parts ...

the chariot racing arena, laid out using the arena parts and the two extra seating modules I made - looks much better - a gap at the back - may make a suitable section up to fill it in later ....
 looks good with the chariots ...

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Gladiator Arena - finishing off the build ...

Final stage was to add some trim to the new crowd seating modules, using some thin cardboard

All the sections together,  not overlarge and fits nicely on my gaming table (central arena approx. 75cm x 55cm)
 Before I get on with painting it all up I'm going to check on how much can be re-used for the chariot racing 'circus minimus'.  The arena itself will need a suitable sandy surface as well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Gladiator Arena - crowd stands, adding seats ...

A little bit of trim added to the base of the new modules to match them in with the Playmobil sections

adding some basic seats to the crowd stand modules. Each module had a lift piece added to provide a 'floor' to build up the seats
 floor in place ...
 the supports for the rear seat ...
seat added to the supports and another one lower down then added in the same way. A quick check with some seated figures ...

Monday, July 25, 2016

Gladiator Arena - getting started

The Playmobil roman arena sections/parts I plan to use laid out on the gaming table...
 the gates on basic bases with inner part covered to improve the look  ...
 with the basic end gates in place worked out the bases of the centre pieces for the sides...
 The basic shells for centre pieces, two more built and all four together will be used for the chariot racing circuit
 checking that the modules fit ok ...

Sunday, July 24, 2016

some acquisitions ...

picked up an assorted lot of 12 Italeri Fabri 1/32 roman figures of Ebay; the contents didn't quite match the auction photo, but no problems with that as I'd primarily bought them for conversions and to get some nice horses for a couple more mounted officers...
 the foot figures to my pleasure had a ballista and crew; very difficult to find
 out of the packaging and assembled - a lovely model and figure set

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Xth Legion starts its march back ...

Legio X has completed their tour of duty on the northern frontier, the troops are leaving one of the  forts near the border and are just about to start their march back south to Condimentium.
 Some troops have been assembled outside the fort and will join onto the end of column when commanded ....
 baggage carts and pack horses on the move ....
The wives of the officers, who had been staying in a villa a few miles away will travel back in a coach ...
The head of the column, with standards and legionary mascot...
The column is now formed up on the road and the order to move off has been given .....

Sunday, June 26, 2016

More troops for the garrison of Botulinum

The commander of the garrison of Botulinum is informed that a column of troops is approaching the main gate
 The column is the re-inforcement for the garrison which should have arrived a couple of weeks ago...
 The garrison commander is pleased to see two cohorts in the column. Worth the wait he mused, now he would have enough men to man the walls in an emergency.
 The column comprises two auxiliary cohorts, one of which is archers ...

However no news yet of of the vexilliation of the 10th Legion; delayed due to further trouble on the northern border.

[new items: roman road sections, made using acrylic floor tile strips on MDF bases]

Sunday, May 29, 2016

On route by sea ...

Gaius Cocceius has been appointed Legate to take command of the 10th legion and all associated auxiliary troops - his mandate to assist the regional governor to maintain order and take offensive action to suppress any local uprisings.

He has left his estates in Hispania and has taken ship on a naval transport vessel
his journey will take him north along the coast where he will land in northern Gaul at the naval base of Gesoriacum, from there he will travel inland to the legionary headquarters at Condimentium.
[ new item - a PlayMobil roman ship; just the right sort of size for my 54mm; a rather short bireme though]

Saturday, May 7, 2016

A message for the governor ..

The governor was in Botulinum and had just finished inspecting the new civic offices, when one of his clerks appeared out of the crowd

The clerk reached the governor, a message sir from the regional military commander, you asked me to bring it to you as soon as it arrived ..
 The governor unrolled the scroll and read the contents..
A vexilliation of Legio X has been approved, you will need to make preparations to provide for 4 cohorts. These troops will not arrive until the rest of Legio X on service at the northern frontier return to the legionary fortress of Condimentium, this should be in about a month's time. In addition an extra cohort of auxiliaries has been despatched and should arrive at Botulinum within the week.