Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Ballista practice ....

The commander of the Botulinum garrison and some of his officers watch the firing practice of some newly arrived ballistas ....


Oblivious to the goings on of the romans, Obelix is on his way to Carnac to deliver a menhir ....
[new items: Italeri Fabri ballista and crew; 2 modified PlayMobil ballistas; Obelix figure with menhir]

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Working on Ballistas ...

Modifying a couple of PlayMobil ballistas. 

The PlayMobil ballista 'out of the box'

This is too tall for use with 54mm figures, so I cut it down by 1cm, by taking out a section near the base. Looking good with my existing ballista crew figures
 Also added a bolt ready to be fired using part of a wire spear ..