Friday, May 24, 2019

The Nasturces attack Dervadunom...

The conflict between the Pretentiates and the Nasturces has been brewing for some time; cattle raids and skirmishes.

Somewhere to the north of the roman military frontier in the territory of the Pretentiates tribe.... At the settlement of Dervadunom,  all is quiet...


A woman out for a walk by the stream has spotted a large group of warriors coming up  the valley...
Scouts from the Nasturces tribe near the settlement
a group of warriors set out from the settlement to investigate ....
when they reach the stream some ways down the valley, they spot the approaching warriors ...
they sound the alarm ...
the alarm is heard in the settlement and more warriors are called to arms ...
As the warbands of the Nasturces approach down the valley, the warriors from the settlement position themselves to defend the line of the stream ....
They attempt to hold off the attacking Nasturces...
while more warriors form a second line of defence between the rocks that traverse the valley...
the warriors defending the stream fall back, they are outnumbered...
as the the lead warband of the Nasturces advances further down the valley, two more warbands are moving up behind them...
The lead war band attacks the Pretentiates defending the rocks ....
they work their way round the flank, but cannot make progress in the middle and fall back to wait support.....
while the Nasturces gather their strength the Pretentiates fall back towards the settlement ...
The Nasturces attack again ....
and push them further back towards the settlement
The Pretentiates manage to disengage and fall back into the safety setllement
The Nasturces make an attempt to attack and get into the settlement ....
the attack fails, they haven't sufficient warriors left to gain entry ...
the Nasturces mill about for a bit and then retire back down the valley... a successful fighting retreat by the Pretentiates has saved their settlement.