Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pallisading - WIP (part 1)

A break from the 'story-line'; I've started a modelling project to build a pallisade to represent the enclosure of a village, or if suitably placed on a hill section part of a hill-fort.  The aim is to have it in the corner or at the back of the table.

I bought a Timpo log fort off Ebay a while back and have spent some time trying to find the best way to use the pieces. After a bit of fiddling at the weekend I came up with a scheme.

The original wall section,  a bit too high for a figure and for the scale of my table...
 So cut down and and reworked to a lower height, the remainder to be trimmed to be used for the back of the 'step-up' for figures...
 The first two trial straight sections ...
 The original fort gateway has been reworked,  quite a bit to do on it to finish (some gates etc..)
The Timpo plastic fort wall sections bend so I can easily (?) make some curved sections - next thing to try ....

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